
Saturday, October 27, 2012

Random Post 2

Just another random post. When I said "random", it's mainly about complaining. Hahaha. So here goes the complaining...

You can scold me whatever fuck you want, eg: flirt, bitch, slut...cause I'm always out with friends, cause I learn dancing, cause I wear shorts alot... Just scold whatever you like, but don't scold me "haven't learn to earn money, already know to spend".

It's not like I didn't want to earn money. YOU ARE THE ONE WHO DON'T ALLOW ME TO WORK! This is something out of my control. It's unfair to scold me by that. You can scold me "too much outings", cause that is under my control, I can choose to or not to go out. You can scold me "learn dancing", cause it's under my control, I choose to or not to dance. You can scold me "wear shorts", cause again, it's under my control, I choose whatever I wear. But scolding me "haven't learn to earn, already know to spend" is NOT UNDER MY CONTROL! In fact, it's under YOURS!

I'm a student. You want me to study. How can a student earn money? Study is in fact a way of spending money. Money go out, but no money come back. I pay my fees to school, they don't pay back interest, no dividends, and I can't take back my money. And study is my largest expense. I have never buy anything more expensive than that!

Once again, I'm a student. How can a student earn money? By working part time. Yea, I did work part time. So that statement - "haven't learn to earn money" - doesn't fully apply on me! I worked part time almost during every long holiday I had since the age of 17. I choose to work on my own will, not cause you want me to work. In fact, you are the one who got so angry at me when I worked, cause you just don't like seeing me going out to work. And you actually forced me to quit 2 of my job.

Just by working during holiday is enough to make you angry, what more to say if I were to work part time while studying? Yea, I requested that too. And you should see your own reaction, how you yelled at me to concentrate on my study. So maybe you should change your statement? Instead of "haven't learn to earn money, already know to spend", why not change to "I haven't allow you to earn money, so you also cannot spend money".

Also, please let me remind you, I PAID FOR MY OWN LIVING IN UNIVERSITY for the past one year (I'm only in my 2nd year now, so meaning since the day I entered uni, I have been using my own money). I didn't use any of your money! I relied fully on myself! I paid my own course fees, my own books, my hostel fees, my meals (and whatever I missed up) for one year, except my fees for the 2nd semester. But that's cause I won the bet. That's another story, anyway, you agreed to pay for my 2nd semester fees if I win the bet, and I won. Then starting the 2nd year, I get kicked out from the hostel, so I paid my own course fees, my own books...and petrol! Yes, I paid my own petrol to drive back and forth from uni.

But starting middle of this semester, you start paying for my meals. This is because you said you want me to be fat, and you agreed to pay for my meals so I need not have to worry bout the money, and just eat as much as I like. Don't tell me you forgot this like you forgot you don't allow me to learn piano (still want argue with me "when did I stop you from learning piano?"). Or is it because I ate too much, that your money went down so fast, that you regretted what you said?

Anyway, if I haven't learn to earn money, where do I get all those money to pay for my university? Conclusion, don't use a statement that don't fully apply on me to scold me!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Love Keropok

Remember my post about the "Love Potato"? This time, I have with me a "Love Keropok". For your information, keropok is a kind of junk food in the Malay language.