
Sunday, February 16, 2014

Tattoo, yes or no?

If you hadn't know, well, I wanted a tattoo since like years ago. And that feeling just gets stronger each year. But oh all those obstacles... and none of the people around me seems to be supportive on the idea... when can I actually get one? Anyway, putting that aside, I just couldn't make up my mind on a tattoo design. I love stars, had always wanted a star tattoo, but couldn't come out with a star tattoo design that can satisfy myself. Tried Google, and still, ... Then I think scorpion is cool. I'm a scorpio for your information. But if I do that, I feel "exposed" - like, everyone knows I'm a scorpio just by looking at my tattoo... Then I wanted random curvy lines, but again, couldn't come out with something that can satisfy myself, or too afraid that one day I might think the lines just don't look as cool anymore and regret it... Then I wanted words, but had totally no idea on that one...

And another important decision of having a tattoo - location. I kinda decided on this one, but, obstacles... I wanted one on my calf, for two reasons - one, purely just because I like it there (suitable and visible); two, because they say it's one of the least pain locations for tattoos. But the obstacles? First, my future career - I'll most probably be working in an office. I don't know bout other countries, but in Malaysia, people have bad perceptions on tattoo and they expect people working in the office to be good little girl with no tattoo (and colorful hair, on side note). I didn't want to be stipulated to wear long trousers to work instead of blouse or dress, cause what I had in mind my future is to wear pretty dresses to work. Long trousers are fugly. Second, problems relating to getting into a "new" family "peacefully"... Why do people always have to think badly about having tattoos?

You might say, "why not get one on a location you can hide, like parts of the body where you cover with clothes?". My thought is, if you're going to get a tattoo, make it visible. What's the point paying hundreds to hide it where people can't see? But if you're having more than one tattoo, then it might be cool hiding some while having some visible. That's what I was planning to do. Was. Until I found out that the tummy is one of the most pain locations for tattoos. Because I wanted my second tattoo to be on my tummy...

And if you're thinking why I didn't mention my dad as the obstacle, well, he's kinda an obstacle, but I don't really care. Worst case also I get scolded badly and that's all, it's not going to affect my future or whatsoever.

Okay, enough of blabbering, time to sleep. Nights.


Anonymous said...

How about on your upper back? Side. Not painful. I have one on mybupper right back. Much more bearable than you think. Plus, it wont affect your career because no one wears spaghetti strap shirts to

Chun said...

Thanks for the suggestion. =)